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Über den SF-12 •
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Einige Ergebnisse aus MedLine, Suche nach SF-12, Zugang bereitgestellt durch Community of Science 1996
Citation: | Ware J Jr, Kosinski M, Keller SD, A 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey:construction of scales and preliminary tests of reliability and validity.,Med Care 34: 3, 220-33, Mar, 1996. |
Abstract |
Regression methods were used to select and score 12 itemsfrom the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36)to reproduce the Physical Component Summary and Mental Component Summaryscales in the general US population (n=2,333). The resulting 12-item short-form(SF-12) achieved multiple R squares of 0.911 and 0.918 in predictions ofthe SF-36 Physical Component Summary and SF-36 Mental Component Summaryscores, respectively. Scoring algorithms from the general population usedto score 12-item versions of the two components (Physical Components Summaryand Mental Component Summary) achieved R squares of 0.905 with the SF-36Physical Component Summary and 0.938 with SF-36 Mental Component Summarywhen cross-validated in the Medical Outcomes Study. Test-retest (2-week)correlationsof 0.89 and 0.76 were observed for the 12-item Physical Component Summaryand the 12-item Mental Component Summary, respectively, in the generalUS population (n=232). Twenty cross-sectional and longitudinal tests ofempirical validity previously published for the 36-item short-form scalesand summary measures were replicated for the 12-item Physical ComponentSummary and the 12-item Mental Component Summary, including comparisonsbetween patient groups known to differ or to change in terms of the presenceand seriousness of physical and mental conditions, acute symptoms, ageand aging, self-reported 1-year changes in health, and recovery for depression.In 14 validity tests involving physical criteria, relative validity estimatesfor the 12-item Physical Component Summary ranged from 0.43 to 0.93 (median=0.67)in comparison with the best 36-item short-form scale. Relative validityestimates for the 12-item Mental Component Summary in 6 tests involvingmental criteria ranged from 0.60 to 107 (median=0.97) in relation to thebest 36-item short-form scale. Average scores for the 2 summary measures,and those for most scales in the 8-scale profile based on the 12-item short-form,closely mirrored those for the 36-item short-form, although standard errorswere nearly always larger for the 12-item short-form. |