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(Please note: This page is outdated. Some additional information is available here.)
Prominent users
The QL-Recorder has been deployed by the following prominent insitutions:
- Clinique La Prairie, Montreux
- University of Graz, Landeskrankenhaus, Clinic for Obstetrics und Gynecology
- Technical University, Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
- University of Goettingen, Dept. of General Practice
- University of Uppsala, Institute for Pharmacology
- University of Goettingen, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology
- University of Antwerp, Dept. of Psychiatry
- Fraunhofer Institute Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation / Deutsche Klinik für Diagnostik / Rhön-Klinik AG
- University of Ulm, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
- Novartis, Health Economics
- GlaxoWellcome, Global Health Outcomes
- University of Ulm, Dept. of Clinical Economics
This list is not complete. Information on individual contact persons can be supplied upon request. Additional information and application examples are available in the sections "Introduction/Projects, Results" and "Docs+Support".
User community and knowledgeable persons
Revised: 29.01.1996/18.06.1998/29.07.1998/11.08.1999/30.07.2000
The following persons and institutions use QL-Recorders and have indicated that they would like to get into contact with other users and interested people.
If you wish to be added to or removed from this list, or if your entry needs
some updating, please send me a note.
The following persons can be contacted regarding AnyQuest for Windows:
- Prof. Franz Porzsolt, AG Klinische Ökonomik, Universität Ulm, Germany
- Prof. Alan Coates, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia
- Frau Anke Herrmann, Forschungsstelle für Psychotherapie, Christian-Belser-Straße 79a, 70597 Stuttgart, Germany
- Chris Hawkes, US Dept. of Agriculture, ARS, WHNRC, P.O. Box 29997, Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129, USA
- Dr. Ken White, Worship Center, P.O. Box 30925, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420, USA
- Dr. med. vet. Dipl. B.W. Timm Volmer, Glaxo-Wellcome Germany GmbH, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
- Mr. Hanns Schultes, Ms. Christel Naujoks, Abt. Gesundheitsökonomik, NOVARTIS PHARMA GmbH, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany
- Dr. Lutz Goldbeck, Kinderklinik der Universität Ulm, 89073 Ulm, Germany
- Reiner Braun, AiP, Ravensburg, Germany, e-mail: quickley@hotmail.com
- Dr. Christoph Heisterborg, Klinikum für Rehabilitation - Klinik Flachsheide, 32105 Bad Salzuflen, Germany
- Prof. Martin Eisemann, Universität Umea, Sweden
- Danny Rouckhout, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Antwerp, The Netherlands
- Dipl. Phys. Dirk Höhmann, Lohmehlenring 24, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany
- Dr. phil. Michael Wörder, Psychotherapist, 32257 Bünde, Germany
- Daniel Seebas, student of Psychology, 32312 Lübbecke, Germany, e-mail: daniel.seebaas@uni-bielefeld.de
- Dr. med. Matthias Woernle, Internal Medicine, Klinik Öschelbronn, 75223 Niefern-Öschelbronn, Germany
- Dr. Eva Greimel, Department for Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Graz, A-8036 Graz, Austria
If you wish to be added to or removed from this list, please send me an e-mail. Thank you very much.