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Various documents
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Manuals, examples
Scientific publications
Book contributions
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Live Demo
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Manuals, project support, documentation, multimedia files, publications
Crash course: Concept • Technology • Live Demo
Summarizing information
Covering the QL-Recorder-Server with AnyQuest for Javascript as Web-Application and AnyQuest for Windows via RDP
as a Virtual Appliance under Linux for VMware ESXi, vSphere or Oracle VirtualBox for iPads or other clients
with data download matching requirements of the anq Swiss National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics
- The Quality-of-Life-Recorder Server as a Virtual Appliance: Electronic patient questionnaires to collect PROMs with interfaces to clincal IT systems (PDF, GDT/LDT, HL7 MDM, FHIR...), workflow-support and data export as specified by the ANQ (2023, 2024) (German) (pdf-file)
- Le Serveur d'Enregistreur-Qualité-de-Vie comme Appareil Virtuel: Questionnaires électroniques pour patients (PROMS) avec interfaces vers systèmes d'information hospitalier (PDF, GDT/LDT, HL7 MDM, FHIR...), gestion de flux de travail et exportation de données selon les specifications de l'ANQ (2024) (French) (pdf-file)
- QL-Recorder update - 30 years of electronic patient questionnaires - 1993 to 2023
Presentation slides for the DKG/AIO Herbstkongress, Workgroups on Digitization and Quality-of-Life (2023) (German only) (pdf-file)
Covering the QL-Recorder with AnyQuest for Windows, AnyQuest for Java and AnyQuest Server
with HL7, GDT/LDT interfaces and optional SQL backend
Covering the original QL-Recorder using GraTaSim and AnyQuest for MS-DOS
Instructions, tutorials, examples
The QL-Recorder-Server with AnyQuest for Javascript with iPads as clients
The QL-Recorder using AnyQuest for Windows
- eKombiDox - Questionnaire regarding satisfaction with inpatient care
Very comprehensive, detailed, German only but with screenshots, with recommended Windows XP Tablet PC edition configuration.
The guides can be helpful to prepare and use other questionnaire configurations as well.
- eSIRO - Munich Psychodiagnostic for Radiooncology
Very comprehensive, detailed, German only but with screenshots, with recommended Windows XP Tablet PC edition configuration.
The guides can be helpful to prepare and use other questionnaire configurations as well.
The original QL-Recorder using GraTaSim and AnyQuest for MS-DOS
Outcome measurement in general and project design
Video files are relatively large, you should only try to download them via a fast Internet connection.
If you want to view the videos multiple times, or if you have relatively slow Internet access, you can download each video file to your computer, and afterwards play it directly from your computer as many times as you want.
- AnyPak2 Tutorial 1: First questionnaire administration for a new patient. Recording the patient ID, using an RFID token (could also be a barcode scanner, interface to other software, or manual input), using the electronic questionnaire, correcting an answer, automatically generated printout of computed results (German audio track).
The demo runs on a WeTab Tablet-PC with Intel Atom CPU, touch screen and a simple USB RFID reader. Installed software is Windows 7, PDFCreator, Foxit Reader, and the revised AnyPak package published in June, 2012.
- AnyPak2 Tutorial 2: Follow-up questionnaire administration for a patient that is already known. Providing the patient ID, patient recognition, using the electronic questionnaire, automatically generated printout with cumulative result (German audio track).
- AnyPak2 Tutorial 3: How to locate and display results from previous assessments. Automatically produced PDF documents or paper printouts with computed results of a single questionnaire administration, cumulative results, and a representation resembling a filled in questionnaire (German audio track).
- Seamless integration of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder with the Quincy PCnet electronic medical record through the GDT interface.
A similar setup, with a Tablet-PC instead of a normal PC with a Touch-Screen, was used in the MedViP II project in multiple general practices - see literature reference for currently submitted publication. (Revised, with added English audio commentary, in 2009)
- (mp4-file, 720x576, 2:39, 9 MB)
- (YouTube, 480p)
- (divx-file, 720x576, 2:39, 27 MB)
- (YouTube, 480p)
- (mpg-file, 352x288, 2:39, 20 MB)
- plus separate script (pdf-file)
- Handling of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder with a printer with an infrared light connection (German audio track)
- Handling of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder during a complete QLQ-C30 interview (German audio track)
- Demonstration of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder with the GCSS-questionnaire with discrete answer-fields and visual-analog-scale (German audio track)
How to play the videos:
- The videos were tested with Media Player Classic (very capable player that consists only of one single program file), Zoom Player, DivX Video Player, totem, kaboodle, QuickTime Player, MS Windows Media Player, as well as diverse installed codecs, e.g. ffdshow.
- mp4-files: Video: H.264. Audio: AAC.
The smallest files, but requires the newest player software and the highest computation power.
- divx-files: Video: DivX MPEG-4 Version 5. Audio: mp3.
- mpg-files: Video: MPEG-2. Audio: MPEG1-Audio-Layer-II.
The largest files (or files in lower resolution), can usually be played by older player software, and even by hardware DVD players.
- Your WWW browser might be able to play videos on its own.
- If you click on a link, and then see an Apple QuickTime Logo with a questionmark, or a page with seemingly random text on it, your system does not know how to handle the file you just clicked at. Please try a video file in another format in this case, or ask someone who knows about your computer and multimedia for assistance.
Scientific publications from applications of the QL-Recorder
Many of the following publications are available on-line with open-access.
Electronic questionnaires on the QL-Recorder in feedback-informed treatment
- Rogausch A, Gutscher G, Gschwind A
Feedback-informierte Therapie - a mixed-method multicenter cross-sectional exploratory study -
Kurzfeedback durch Patienten im psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Alltag.
[Feedback informed therapy - a mixed-method multicenter cross-sectional exploratory study -
brief feedback from patients in the daily psychiatric-psychotherapeutic routine.]
Swiss Arch Neurol Psychiatr Psychother. 2017;168(03):0 doi:10.4414/sanp.2017.00479
- Gschwind A, Rogausch A
Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz von Feedback-informierter Therapie in der Psychiatrie.
[Feasibility and acceptance of feedback-informed treatment in psychiatry.]
Poster, DGPPN Kongress 2015
Feasibility and acceptance by staff and patients in a multicenter project to select site-specific instruments (PRO-ONKO), incl. example of automatically computed graphic display of results
- Schmidt H, Merkel D, Koehler M, Flechtner HH, Sigle J, Klinge B, Jordan K, Vordermark D, Landenberger M, Jahn P.
PRO-ONKO - selection of patient-reported outcome assessments for the clinical use in cancer patients - a mixed-method multicenter cross-sectional exploratory study.
Support Care Cancer, 2015 doi:10.1007/s00520-015-3055-4 Epub Dec. 2015. PMID: 26676238
(Full text via ResearchGate)
Usage of electronic questionnaires on QL-Recorders with eQLQ-C30 and SGRQ in 14 general practices/family practices
- Rogausch A, Sigle JM, Seibert AJ, Thüring S, Kochen MM, Himmel W
Feasibility and acceptance of electronic quality of life assessment in general practice: an implementation study.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2009 7:51 doi:10.1186/1477-7525-7-51. PMID: 19493355
- Rogausch A, Sigle J, Thüring S, Kochen M, Himmel W
Patientenbefragung per Tablet-PC.
[Patient questionnaire administration using a Tablet-PCs].
Dtsch Arztebl 2007; 104(42): A 2857-60.
- Thüring Sabine
Kommunikation von Ergebnissen individueller Lebensqualitätsmessungen in der Hausarztpraxis.
[Communication of results of individual quality of life assessments in general practice.]
Diploma thesis. Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 2006. (pdf-file, 1765 KB) (German only)
Feasibility, acceptance, and cross-validation of a Chinese QL-Recorder based eSF-36 and a paper based SF-36
- Chen T, Li L, Sigle J, Du Y, Wang H, Lei J
Crossover randomized controlled trial of the electronic version of the Chinese SF-36.
J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2007 8(8):604-608. ISSN 1673-1581 (Print), ISSN 1862-783 (Online). PMID: 17657865
- Chen T, Li L, Sigle J, Du Y
Feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of Chinese SF-36 administered using
the Quality-of-Life-Recorder.
2007 International Society for Quality of Life Research meeting abstracts
Quality of Life Research 2007; Supplement A-86, Abstract #1288
- Chen, Tian-hui
The effect of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) on Health Service Utilization of patients with chronic disease.
Ph.D.-Thesis, Universitat Zhejiang, China, 2005.
Feasibility, acceptance, costs, and cross-validation of the eSIRO on 4 QL-Recorders compared to the SIRO on paper
- Dinkel A, Berg P, Pirker C, Geinitz H, Sehlen S, Emrich M, Marten-Mittag B, Henrich G, Book K, Herschbach P
Routine psychosocial distress screening in radiotherapy: implementation and evaluation of a computerised procedure.
Br J Cancer. 2010 Nov 9;103(10):1489-95. Epub 2010 Oct 26. PMID: 20978509
- Herschbach P, Berg P, Pirker C, Henrich G, Emrich M, Sehlen S, Dühmke E, Geinitz H, Molls M
Computer based evaluation of a screening procedure for psycho-oncological treatment during radiotherapy.
In: Abstracts of the 8th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 16 th-21 st October 2006, Ferrara-Venice, Italy.
Psycho-oncology 2006; 15(iss 2 Suppl): S1-462; PMID: 17338072 (Overall)
- Sehlen S, Geinitz H, Berg P, Pirker C, Marten-Mittag B, Henrich G, Dühmke E, Molls M, Herschbach P
Evaluation einer computer-basierten Screening-Methode zur Erfassung der psychosozialen Belastung von Patienten während einer Radiotherapie
13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie 2007 e.V., Hannover
Power-Point-Presentation: from DEGRO 2007 server or local copy
- Sehlen S, Berg P, Emrich M, Geinitz H, Henrich G, Pirker C, Molls M, Dühmke E, Herschbach P
Evaluation of a computer based screening procedure for psycho-oncological treatment during radiotherapy.
In: 27. Deutscher Krebskongress. Berlin, 2006. German Medical Science; 2006. Doc OP376
Routine care and research use of 5 QL-Recorders for screening of oncology outpatients with eQLQ-C30, HADS and other questionnaires
- Walker J, Waters RA, Murray G, Swanson H, Hibberd CJ, Rush RW, Storey DJ, Strong VA, Fallon MT, Wall LR, Sharpe M
Better off dead: suicidal thoughts in cancer patients.
J Clin Oncol. 2008 Oct 10;26(29):4725-30. Epub 2008 Aug 11. PMID: 18695258
- Storey DJ, Waters RA, Hibberd CJ, Rush RW et al.
Clinically relevant fatigue in cancer outpatients: the Edinburgh Cancer Centre symptom study.
Ann Oncol. 2007 Nov;18(11):1861-9. Epub 2007 Sep 5.
PMID: 17804467
- Strong V, Waters R, Hibberd C, Rush R, et al.
Emotional distress in cancer patients: the Edinburgh Cancer Centre symptom study.
Br J Cancer. 2007 Mar 26;96(6):868-74. Epub 2007 Feb 20. PMID: 17311020
Research on the impact of pregnancy, migration, and incontinence in a university clinic for obstetrics and gynaecology
- Mautner E, Greimel E, Egger J, Trutnovsky G, Lang U
Quality of life outcomes in pregnancy and postpartum complicated by hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes and preterm birth.
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2009 Dec;30(4):231-7. doi: 10.3109/01674820903254757.
- Mautner, Eva
Schwangerschaft und Geburt, medizinische und psychosoziale Einflussfaktoren auf die Lebensqualität und Befindlichkeit.
Promotionsarbeit, Universitat Graz, 2008.
- Bjelic-Radisic V, Dorfer M, Greimel E, Frudinger A, Tamussino K, Winter W
Quality of life and continence 1 year after the tension-free vaginal tape operation.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 195:1784-8, 2006. PMID: 17132481
Routine care and research use of the QL-Recorder with various questionnaires in paediatric psychiatry and psychotherapy
- Besier T, Schmitz TG, Goldbeck L
Life satisfaction of adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis: impact of partnership and gender.
J Cyst Fibros. 2009 Mar;8(2):104-9. Epub 2008 Nov 12. PMID: 19008159
- Goldbeck L, Zerrer S, Schmitz TG
Monitoring quality of life in outpatients with cystic fibrosis: feasibility and longitudinal results.
J Cyst Fibros. 2007 May;6(3):171-8. Epub 2006 Jul 31. PMID: 16877050
- Goldbeck L, Melches J
The impact of the severity of disease and social disadvantage on quality of life in families with congenital cardiac disease.
Cardiol Young. 2006 Feb;16(1):67-75. PMID: 16454880
- Schmitz TG, Henrich G, Goldbeck L.
Alters- und geschlechtsbezogene Betrachtung der Lebensqualität bei Mukoviszidose
[Quality of life with cystic fibrosis--aspects of age and gender]
Klin Padiatr. 2006 Jan-Feb;218(1):7-12. German. PMID: 16432767
- Goldbeck L, Melches J
Quality of life in families of children with congenital heart disease.
Qual Life Res. 2005 Oct;14(8):1915-24. PMID: 16155778
- Goldbeck L, Melches J, Franz A, Voßbeck S, Lang D, Mihatsch W
Lebensqualität in Familien mit einem herzkranken Kind.
Kindheit und Entwicklung 2005;14:79-86.
- Goldbeck L, Braun R
LQ-KID - Ein computergestütztes Verfahren zur Erfassung der Lebensqualität chronisch kranker Kinder und Jugendlicher.
Prävention und Rehabilitation 2003;15:117-126
- Keller F, Peter S, Fegert JM, Naumann A, Goldbeck L
Behandlungsbewertungen von Jugendlichen im Verlauf einer stationär-psychiatrischen Behandlung.
[Consumer satisfaction trajectories of adolescents during inpatient psychiatric treatment.]
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie, Universität Ulm, 2006. (pdf-file, 71 KB)
- Lutz K, Keller F, Stiller K, Ziegenhain U, Fegert JM
Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Instruments zur Erhebung pädagogischer Effekte und zur Unterstützung im Zielerreichungsprozess.
[Development and implementation of an instrument to measure pedagogic effects and to support the process of achievement of goals.]
Kooperationsprojekt des CJD mit der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie, Universität Ulm, 2003-2005. (pdf-file, 276 KB)
Usage of 2 QL-Recorders for proxy-rating with multiple instruments during questionnaire development / validation of an instrument
Usage for routine tumour documentation and on-demand analysis in a group of clinics
- Höhmann D, Hager ED, Sigle J
Prognostische Signifikanz von EORTC QLQ-C30 Daten für Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom.
[Prognostic significance of EORTC QLQ-C30 data for patients with pancreatic carcinoma.]
DZO 2003; 35: 59-69 (2003)
- Höhmann Dirk
Klinische Signifikanz von EORTC QLQ-C30-Daten für die Prognose von Patienten mit Mamma-, Pankreas-, Ovarial und Kolorektalem Karzinom.
[Clinical significance of EORTC QLQ-C30 data for the prognosis of patients with Breast, Pancreatic, Ovarian and Colorectal Cancer.]
Doctoral thesis. University of Witten-Herdecke, 2000. (pdf-file, 3840 KB) (German only)
Initial field testing in outpatient and inpatient settings
Additional literature, including additional doctoral theses, is listed further below and in the respective section of my CV.
Basics on health-related Quality-of-Life and electronic patient files
Book contributions
To comply with the publishers' preferences, I provide only titles of books and links to the publishers' respective on-line resources. Carl Hanser Verlag provide my diagram "Informationsspeicher und Informationsfluß in einem Rehaklinikum zur Berücksichtigung bei Planung und Implementation eines EDV-Systems" which has been published in their Handbuch Medizinische Informatik on their WWW pages as downloadable PDF-file.
- Porzsolt F, Kojer M, Schmidl M, Greimel ER, Sigle J, Richter J, Eisemann M:
A New Instrument to Describe Indicators of Well-Being in Old Old Patients with Severe Dementia: The Vienna List
In: Porzsolt, F, Kaplan, RM (Ed.): Optimizing Health: Improving the Value of Healthcare Delivery
Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-33920-7 (2006)
- Porzsolt F, Kojer M, Schmidl M, Greimel ER, Sigle J, Richter J, Eisemann M: Fremdbewertung: Messung der Lebensqualität von Hochbetagten mit schwerer Demenz.
In: Porzsolt F, Williams AR, Kaplan RM (Hrsg.): Klinische Ökonomik. Effektivität und Effizienz von Gesundheitsleistungen.
Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, 310-321 (2003)
- Sigle J: Electronically Supported Outcome Measurement.
In: Beuth J, Moss RW (Ed.): Complementary Oncology.
Thieme Stuttgart, New York, ISBN 3-13-137451-9 (GTV) ISBN 1-58890-323-0 (TNY) (2006)
- Sigle J: Elektronisch unterstütztes Outcome Measurement.
In: Beuth J (Hrsg.): Grundlagen der Komplementäronkologie.
Hippokrates Verlag/Thieme Verlagsgruppe, ISBN 3-8304-5261-6 (2002)
- Sigle J, Wilhelm HJ: Medizinisches Qualitätsmanagement. [Medical quality management.]
In: Lehman T, Meyer zu Bexten E (Ed.): Handbuch der medizinischen Informatik.
Carl Hanser Verlag, ISBN 3-446-21589-1 (2002)
- Sigle J: Lebensqualitäts-Recorder. [Quality-of-Life-Recorder.]
In: Viethen JG (Hrsg.): QM-Checklisten für das Gesundheitswesen.
Forum Verlag (2002)
Also in: Wilhelm HJ (Hrsg.): Direkt übernehmbare Vorlagen zum Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen.
Forum Verlag (2001)
- Porzsolt F, Greimel E, Sigle J, Eisemann M: Lebensqualität. [Quality of life.]
In: Höffken, K, Kolb G, Wedding U (Hrsg.): Geriatrische Onkologie.
Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-67411-X, 141-151 (2001)
- Sigle JM, Porzsolt F: Znormalizowana ocena jakosci zycia w ambulatorium Ocena konstrukcji i przydatnosci elektronicznego rejestratora jakosci zycia.
In: Meyza L (Ed.): Jakosc Zycia W Chorobie Nowotworowej.
Centrum Onkologii, Warzsawa, 147-166 (1997)
Award winning projects applying my technology
- Jörg Sigle
Conception and continued development & support of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder 1993-2009
Abstract: Der Lebensqualitäts-Recorder: Ein Werkzeug zur Befragung von Patienten mit elektronischen Fragebögen in Forschung und Versorgung
[The Quality-of-Life-Recorder: A tool for administration of electronic questionnaires to patients in research and routine care]
Recognized as "partial lifetime achievement" :-) and awarded the-->
Awarded the
Lilly Quality-of-Life Prize 2009. -»
About the award
Thank you very much for this honour and the support of my work!
- Eva Mautner, Josef W. Egger, Eva Greimel
Pregnancy and Birth - The impact of medical and psychosocial factors on quality of life and wellbeing.
Poster: International Society for Quality of Life Research. 25. Oktober, 2008
This poster was awarded the New Investigator Award of the meeting.
- Anja Rogausch, Jörg Sigle, Sabine Thüring, Michael M. Kochen, Wolfgang Himmel und die MedViP-II-Studiengruppe
Elektronische Erhebung der Lebensqualität in der hausärztlichen Praxis.
[Electronic assessment of quality of life in general practice]
Poster: 40. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin e.V. (DEGAM), Potsdam (pdf-file)
Abstract in Z Allg Med. 9, 82:19 (2006)
This poster was awarded a poster-prize (2nd rank) of the meeting.
- Claudia Preuß
Patientenbefragung zur Lebensqualität und Behandlungszufriedenheit für Disease Management Programme bei Diabetes mellitus: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen und Machbarkeitsstudie.
[Assessment of patient's health related quality of life and satisfaction with care within disease management programs for Diabetes Mellitus: Development of tools and feasibility study].
Doctoral thesis. University of Heidelberg, 2006. (pdf-file, 830 KB) (German only)
This thesis was awarded the Schwank-Prize 2007 by the Landesärztekammer Nordbaden.
The project is an exception, as it does not use the QL-Recorder, but tools and processes to automatically generate pseudonymized multi-page patient questionnaires for mailing, and later automatic processing using optical-mark-recognition and bar-codes.
- Lutz Goldbeck, Tim Schmitz
Lebensqualität von Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit Mukoviszidose.
[Quality of life in children and grown-ups with cystic fibrosis.]
Abstract (pdf-file) (German only)
This project was awarded the Lilly Quality-of-Life Prize 2002.
It uses the QL-Recorder for routine administration of patient questionnaires; resulting data are transferred to MS Excel for further evaluation.
Presentation of the QL-Recorder at the MEDICA, Düsseldorf, by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IAO
Based upon their own positive experience, the Institut Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation of the renowned Fraunhofer Gesellschaft chose the QL-Recorder as an example of innovative technology useful to face the the challenges emerging from contemporary changes in the field of medicine.