Recommended installation and preparation. With regard to the configuration of virtual and real printers, this quick guide may be more recent than the available manuals - and much more easy to follow. It uses configuration related functionality first available in AnyQuest for Windows version 3.76 as of 2012-06-20. --- As an administrator: - Install Foxit Reader: or: - Install PDFCreator: - In PDFCreator: Add two additional virtual printers: PDFCreatorAnyPak PDFCreatorAnyPak2on1 adjust this one, so that two pages of content are scaled to one page produced. - Set up a real printer - e.g. a Laser or inkjet printer with color and low cost per page, also possible via network or WLAN. - Install AnyPak (recent package): --- In the user account deployed to administer patient questionnaires: - In PDFCreator: Create a new profile AnyPak: Animation in the PDF generation: OFF Check for updates: OFF Automatic storage of generated PDFs in: c: \ anyquin \ anypak \ printout PDF Resolution: 300dpi - In PDFCreator: Assign the profile AnyPak to the two virtual printers AnyPak and AnyPak2on1 - Set the real printer as the default printer - From the Start menu AnyPak\English\Configurations for experts or c:\anyquin\anypak\start\English\, run (once): Set up collected patient ID, real and virtual printout targets etc. (en) - Therein: Setup... - Printing - Printer setup ... Here, set the desired targets for automatic generation of virtual and real result printouts. Recommended: QFI: PDFCreatorAnyPak2on1 Single: PDFCreatorAnyPak Single2: the real printer All others: blank (if necessary, delete existing entries with x) OK Then: File - Exit After each questionnaire administration, this will automatically produce one QFI, Single, and Cumulative result printout as PDF documents generated in c:\anyquin\anypak\printout (these can later be searched and redisplayed) and also a Single printout on the real printer. --- - Optionally recommended, for knowledgeable administrators: Encrypt the directories for data storage c:\anyquin\anypak\data and c:\anyquin\anypak\printout or relocate them to a fileserver, and adjust the appropriate settings in PDFCreator, and in c:\anyquin\anypak\common\dirs.ini --- Afterwards, please watch available video tutorials (also on youtube), and read the introductory pages of the manual. Additioanl information is available on, especially in "Docs & Support." Good luck! Jörg Sigle